
Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi Community Update 3: November 2023
Newsletters, Te Awa Kairangi Project Team, 17 November 2023Interim Project Alliance Agreement update
The project continues to move forward in the Interim Project Alliance Agreement (IPAA) phase. This is a detailed review of the consented design, to build an understanding of the scope to confirm a price to deliver the project. The initial timeframe of December for having this phase finished was set optimistically. The complexity of the project, and the need for detailed, robust design and scoping, means this phase will take longer. It’s important to take the time to get the IPAA phase right to ensure cost, scope and design decisions are fully informed and made on the best evidence available and reducing risk for all parties.
The programme partners, iwi Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika and Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Hutt City Council, Greater Wellington and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency are committed to the delivery of this project. It’s a transformative project for Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai / Lower Hutt, delivering greater flood protection and improved ecological health of the river, better and more connected transport options and building a foundation for a revitalised city centre.
We’re continuing to progress the work that could be started earlier, such as the preloading of gravel for future construction purposes, property removals and demolition, and geotechnical investigations.
Safety Training
The Alliance ecology and survey teams participated in a wader safety training course in Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River on 9 November. This course was run by Outdoor Education New Zealand with eight staff from the Alliance in attendance.
The course included topics such as risk assessment, identifying hazards prior to entering the water and correct personal protective equipment and rescue equipment. Then it was into the river in waders to practice rescue techniques and self-rescue. All eight staff completed the course, learning new safety skills while getting some swim time in the river.
Demolition update
The removal of properties and demolition work continues, with Mills Street ground level demolition complete. Demolition to ground level is almost complete for the east end of Pharazyn Street, with asbestos surveys and the disconnection of commercial property utilities also complete at the west end.
Next up is Marsden Street, with houses there currently being demolished and the lower end of Marsden commercial properties being disconnected from their utilities. Work will continue over the next few months, with traffic management in place for the safety of road users and pedestrians.
Demolition on Daly Street has progressed well, with removal of the three buildings nearly complete. The next step will be the below-ground works to remove concrete foundations and clear the site completely. The work area and walkway closures will remain in place for the duration of works, clearly marked by fencing and signage. More than 10 house were relocated in full as part of these works.
Preloading work complete
We’re happy to report that preloading work was completed six weeks ahead of schedule. A significant amount of gravel has been moved, about 19,000m3, or more than 3,100 truckloads, from south of the Kennedy Good Bridge. The gravel was taken from Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River by Greater Wellington and is being stored alongside the stopbank north of the Melling Link Bridge to be used at the start of construction.
Skatepark public consultation
Hutt City Council is currently seeking public comment on changes to the city’s skateparks in 2024. As part of Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi (RiverLink), the existing Melling Skatepark at Block Road is moving so that work on flood protection and the new Melling Interchange can begin. Hutt City Council is proposing an upgrade to the existing skatepark at Avalon Park as a replacement to Melling and to provide improved recreational facilities for the community.
Consultation on this proposal closes at 5pm on 28 November 2023. Visit hutt.city/skateparks to learn more and provide your comments.
What you’ll see in the coming months
Key activities you’ll see between now and the end of the year are continued building removals on Daly, Marsden, Pharazyn and Mills Streets, and ongoing work in the river and near the Mills Street stopbank.
We’re still busy behind the scenes reviewing the scope and cost, and developing the construction timeline for the main project works. We want to ensure that what’s delivered provides greater flood protection, improved ecological health of the river, better and more connected transport options, and a foundation for a revitalised city centre.
We know everyone is keen to understand when things are going to happen, and once we have these details confirmed, we will let you know.
More information
For more information on Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi project like our Facebook page for updates, visit our website, or send our team an email.
Facebook: Like our page here
Website: www.teawakairangi.co.nz
Email: info@teawakairangi.co.nz
About the Alliance
Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi (Te Awa Kairangi) – The Soothing Waters of Te Awa Kairangi is a partnership between iwi Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika and Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Greater Wellington Regional Council, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Hutt City Council, and the Alliance of AECOM and Fletcher, delivering RiverLink.
The Alliance has been established to deliver the RiverLink project, which includes crucial flood protection and river restoration work, improvements to public transport, walking and cycling routes, local roads and the State Highway 2 Melling Interchange, as well as urban revitalisation of the Lower Hutt city centre.
You can learn more about the project at www.teawakairangi.co.nz