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TeAwaKairangi WebNews 600x600

Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi Community Update 11: July 2024

SH2 Melling Interchange revised concept designIn June, NZ Transport Agency and Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi Alliance shared an update to the design for the Melling Interchange. Once built this will replace the existing traffic lights on State Highway 2 (M…
22 July 2024

Safer, more efficient design to replace existing SH2 Melling intersection

Safer, more efficient design to replace existing SH2 Melling intersectionTe Awa Kairangi Alliance alongside the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi are excited to announce a …
6 June 2024
Media release

Greater Wellington welcomes Melling transport improvements, focus remains on flood defences

An announcement by New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi on the design of a new Melling Interchange, which includes a…
7 June 2024
Riverlink Camera 03 v2 Media release

Media Release: Revised design for Melling Interchange announced

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) and Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi Alliance are pleased to share a safer, more…
6 June 2024
MicrosoftTeams image v2 Media release

Te Awa Kairangi partners adopt alternative delivery programme

Te Awa Kairangi partners adopt alternative delivery programmeNZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi, Greater Wellington, Hutt C…
28 March 2024
MSSB STAGE 02 View at Mills St v2 Media release

Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi: Critical Hutt Valley stopbank work starting this summer

Critical Hutt Valley stopbank work starting this summerCritical flood protection work, part of Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa …
12 January 2024
TeAwaKairangi WebNews 600x600 Media release

Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi: New name for next stages of RiverLink project

Mana Whenua have gifted the name Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi - The Soothing Waters of Te Awa Kairangi to the Allia…
19 June 2023
OpenDay1-Riverlink Aerials 31 of 31 Media release

New Lower Hutt Jobs and Skills Hub key to RiverLink delivery

The Government has announced a new Jobs and Skills Hub will be opened in central Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai (Lower Hutt) to …
17 November 2022
OpenDay1-Riverlink Aerials 31 of 31 Media release

Hutt City Council receives over $98 million for major infrastructure upgrades

Hutt City Council’s application to the Government’s Infrastructure Acceleration Fund (IAF) has been approved, with $98.9…
13 October 2022
Open Day Sketch New Bridge Media release

RiverLink gets green light for RFP release to market

RiverLink, a transformational set of projects for Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai (Lower Hutt), is one step closer to reality wit…
13 October 2022
Media release

Lower Hutt one step closer to long-awaited $700m transformation

After 40 years of planning and discussion, a new and vibrant city centre, as well as protection against a 1 in 440-year …
3 September 2022
Open Day Sketch New Bridge Media release

Progress on RiverLink consents welcomed

The Environment Court has today issued an interim decision on approving a range of resource consent applications for Riv…
25 August 2022
ConvertedCMLbuliding Media release

Lower Hutt office block conversion paves the way for inner-city living

The conversion of former office block in Lower Hutt into inner-city apartments is almost complete, the latest developmen…
30 May 2022
OpenDay sketch of shared use pedestrian and cyclist bridge from central Lower Hutt to Melling station Media release

Cheap funding a big boost to RiverLink project

Lower Hutt's RiverLink project has received a major boost, via a loan that will significantly reduce the cost of borrowi…
22 December 2021
RiverLink GHD Board Media release

RiverLink project another step closer to construction

The RiverLink Partnership has appointed a Principal Technical Advisor to set the requirements needed to establish a team…
25 November 2021
Media release

Reimagining the Wellington region: Fishing and kayaking for inner city apartment dwellers

It might seem far-fetched, but that is exactly the scenario envisaged by proponents of the RiverLink plan for central Lo…
10 November 2021
Media release

Lower Hutt's RiverLink. The $700m project to fix a river and a city

Nicholas Boyack takes a look at RiverLink​, which will be the second biggest infrastructure project built in the Welling…
6 September 2021
RiverLink 16Aug21 Media release

Major milestone for Hutt Valley’s largest ever infrastructure project with RiverLink consent application lodged

A safer and more resilient transport and flood protection system for Lower Hutt is one step closer as the RiverLink part…
17 August 2021
Media release

Recent flooding events a reminder of RiverLink‘s importance

A safer and more resilient transport and flood protection system for the Hutt Valley is one step closer as the RiverLink…
22 July 2021
Media release

Increased funding for RiverLink in Lower Hutt

The RiverLink project team has welcomed the decision by Hutt City Council to increase its share of funding for RiverLink…
11 June 2021