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Geotechnical Investigations


Before main construction works can commence, further ground investigations are required. The team will undertake these investigations by drilling and probing the ground using geotechnical drill rigs and thrust machines to explore the ground up to 35m below the surface. These geotechnical investigations allow us to collect samples of soil and rock for testing at our partner laboratories, and to evaluate the strength and stiffness of the ground using in-place testing. At select locations after drilling is complete, instruments will be installed into the ground to monitor variables like groundwater levels, temperature and ground movement.

The geotechnical investigations shown at the site locations on the map below. Duration at each location will vary subject to the ground conditions encountered. No work will be carried out on Friday or Saturday nights, or during public holidays. Regular progress updates will be provided on our website and social media.

All of our investigations will be completed in compliance with the Environment Court decision and Resource Consent conditions, including the project noise standards. The equipment we use to investigate the ground, complete in situ testing, and collect samples may sometimes emit noise and cause vibration. We will be undertaking noise and vibration monitoring periodically throughout the duration of the geotechnical investigations. All works will be completed in compliance with the requirements of NZS 6803:1999 and applicable regulatory conditions.

Each investigation location will be isolated from the public with fencing or barriers to ensure the safety of those enjoying the area, and the safety of the team completing the works.

A representative of Mana Whenua will be on site and provide guidance if any archaeological discoveries are made.

Project Liaison Person

For queries relating to these works, please reach out to:

Steve Myers - Utilities Manager, Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi 

M 027 204 9451

or email us at info@teawakairangi.co.nz