Gravel Extraction

Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River Gravel Extraction
During September and October 2023, gravel was extracted from Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River by Greater Wellington as part of the planned management of the riverbed.
The extraction work was undertaken just south of the Kennedy Good Bridge, and the gravel is being stored alongside the stopbank north of the Melling Link bridge so it can be used when we start construction.
A significant amount of gravel has been moved, about 19,000 m³ – or around 3,130 truckloads. Gravel has been placed in fenced off areas and silt fence protection measures have been installed.
We have remediated the embankment at the rivers edge, as well as the pathway descending towards the stopbank at Melling Road.
We expected this work to take approximately three months to complete but were finished in just six weeks!