
RiverLink reaches another pivotal milestone
31 January 2023RiverLink has reached another pivotal milestone as its procurement process nears completion.
Rod James, RiverLink programme director says, “the RiverLink programme is a critical, once in a lifetime, opportunity to help transform Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai (Lower Hutt) into a more connected and resilient city”.
“The procurement process is one of the most important steps so far as it will establish an alliance of design and construction firms to deliver the project,” James says.
While a preferred team won’t be announced until March 2023, James says “all of the teams being considered understand the programme and what is expected of them to deliver to our expectations and those of the community” he says.
Under the Alliance delivery model, once the preferred team is announced the RiverLink programme will enter a detailed design and construction planning phase, ahead of the main construction works starting.
This phase will include an opportunity for us to explore further innovations and value improvements through the design to potentially reduce costs and improve the outcomes we are targeting. It’s also a chance to commence early works to ensure main works can start sooner.
Once the final cost and construction approach are agreed through this phase, and the Project Alliance Agreement is signed, construction of the main works can then begin (scheduled for late 2023).
“We’ll be working hard with our preferred Alliance partners to ensure the RiverLink programme represents good value for money for taxpayers and ratepayers,” James says.
RiverLink is comprised of three interdependent projects – crucial flood protection work; the Melling Transport Improvements; and Hutt City centre urban revitalisation – with funding split between the Government through the New Zealand Upgrade Programme, Greater Wellington Regional Council and Hutt City Council.
“RiverLink will bring a wide range of benefits to the tens of thousands of Kiwis who live in, work in, and travel through Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai every day, and after many years of planning and development work, we’re really excited to be positioned and ready to deliver this important project,” James says.
Learn more about the RiverLink project at www.riverlink.co.nz.
Stay up-to-date with the project on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RiverLinkHuttSpirit