
Summer programme - it's a wrap
Updates, 7 May 2022During February, March and April 2022 we opened the RiverLink container to visitors every Saturday (weather permitting) at the Riverbank carpark from 8am to 2pm. This provided us with the opportunity to korero with visitors about the project and discuss any concerns or queries they had in the very space where people will one day enjoy greater interaction with Te Awa Kairangi Hutt River! This will result from the urban revitalisation part of the project i.e. turning Lower Hutt to face Te Awa Kairangi Hutt River so the river and the city are more connected, as well as creating a distinctive character and more vibrant central city.
Overall, visitors were interested and positive about the project – most just wanting to know when it would get started i.e. when we’ll see diggers and construction. Any concerns raised were discussed and/or followed up. If anyone still has queries after talking to our people at the container, please email riverlink@gw.govt.nz