
Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi Community Update 16: February 2025
Newsletters, 28 February 2025New skatepark hits the spot
Have you tried out the new skatepark at Motutawa Avalon Park yet?
Demolition for Melling
NZTA is making way for the new interchange at Melling with some property removals and other demolition. From March to June, they'll be removing the old skate park on Block Road, along with a few buildings on High and Rutherford Streets and Queens Drive. Some carparks at the Melling Park and Ride will be unavailable during this work.
Parliament Street Greenway completed
NZTA has completed the neighbourhood greenway - a shared vehicle, walking and cycling space - at the northen end of Parliament Street. Thanks for your patience over the past few weeks.
The area is now more user friendly and ready for eventual links with Te Ara Tupua pathway as well as paths we will be building.
Fun coming to Daly Street
Hutt City Council is bringing some life back to the demolition site at the Daly Street - Andrews Avenue corner. In the future, this area will be near where the new City Link pedestrian bridge will land. For now, it's the perfect location to try out some temporary fun activities, decided on with the help of the local community. There will be a pump bike track, a half basketball court, seating and tables, a low stage and planters. Construction is already under way.
Read more on the Hutt City Council website.
What's behind the big pile of rocks?
You might have noticed the big pile of large rocks along Harcourt Werry Drive. These are a dense crystalline marble with trace quartz and woolstonite veins, and Greater Wellington will be placing 22,000 tonnes of them in specific places along the river's edge.
Reusing, recycling and sharing
The demolition of residential and commercial properties along Lower Hutt’s Pharazyn and Marsden streets wraps up in March.
Greater Wellington managed the removal of 120 residential and commercial units, sent 20,000 tonnes of concrete, metal and wood to local recyclers, delivered six truckloads of vegetation to Wellington Zoo, and provided numerous donations to local charities and community groups.
More information
Email us: info@teawakairangi.co.nz