
Open day 1: Community's feedback used to improve RiverLink plans
28 November 2020There was a pleasing turnout to our recent open day held at the Dowse Art Museum on Saturday 28 November. The open day was arranged for the community to see how the indicative plans are looking for improvements to river health, flood protection, amenities and transport connections in Lower Hutt.
To review the feedback received on the day please go to our Open day 1 summary page
Hugo van Stratum 29/12/2023, 11:00 am (15 months ago)
Kia ora planners,
When I look at the Riverlink interchange drawings LongPlan_1_1000x841 (2) I cannot really see what I was expecting to see that was a roundabout at the on and off ramps on both sides of the bridge. I presume they will be there but there are no indications of this on the drawings. Can you please clarify why they are not out-lined.
I would presume that the Upper Hutt traffic would have a separate free turn lane on to the bridge but that is not shown in the drawing?
We have had all these consultation times and I have had nothing to consult on because there were no details about the actual bridge interchange to see. I feel the planned interchange drawings are still are not detailed or accurate enough for me to make comment on.
If Porirua interchange is anything to go by and Maungaraki the speed at which traffic goes around from all the directions and lanes you would most definitely not want it slowed down with traffic light hold ups. Nowhere should pedestrians or
Temeka Baskett 18/04/2022, 4:55 pm (3 years ago)
I was wondering if you wanted to submit your new site to our free business directory? https://1mdr.short.gy/submityoursite
It looks like you have a couple spelling errors on your website such as the word "lood". Check out a service like SpellAce.com to help. We've used it in the past and liked it. 16/04/2022, 4:45 am (3 years ago)
It looks like you have a couple spelling errors on your website such as the word "lood". Check out a service like SpellAce.com to help. We've used it in the past and liked it.
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