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Improvements at Melling


The existing Melling intersection is located in a complex environment between the Western Hills, State Highway 2, Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River and the rail corridor. It is also on the Wellington fault line, sits above the Waiwhetū Aquifer and is one of the main transport links into the busy central city of Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai - Lower Hutt. The existing intersection has significant safety and travel reliability issues, with over 40,000 journeys through this area on the highway every day.


Overall improvements for all users in and around Melling include:

  • A grade separated interchange (removing the existing traffic lights and separating through traffic on the state highway/local roads)
  • New and improved walking and cycling paths
  • Better connections for Tirohanga and Harbour View Road residents and businesses
  • Better access to public transport (with the relocation of the Melling train station, park and ride facilities and improved bus connections)


An artist’s impression is shown on the map below.

Melling Transport Improvements

Te Awa Kairangi Alliance has developed a safer and, more efficient concept design to replace the existing SH2 Melling intersection.

This developed concept design enables grade separation between through traffic on State Highway 2, and those travelling to/ from Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai - Lower Hutt and the Western Hills.

With improved walking and cycling paths and better access to public transport, this design provides a safer and more resilient transport system for all users. The removal of the existing Melling Link bridge will also greatly improve the flood protection of the city.

In addition, this developed concept design improves sustainability outcomes, with reduced vegetation clearance and slope cuts in the Western Hills, alongside fewer retaining walls and a smaller bridge footprint.


Watch our flyover video and learn more about the exciting improvements in and around Melling below:

Benefits for road users

  • A grade separated interchange between through traffic on State Highway 2, and those travelling to/ from Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai – Lower Hutt and the Western Hills will enable more efficient travel during peak periods to help move people and freight along smoothly.
  • This design enables higher volumes of traffic to safely flow through the interchange.
  • Improved safety for all road users by:
    • Removing the existing conflicting right-hand turn movement from SH2 northbound, and the right-hand turn from the new Melling Link river bridge to SH2 northbound.
    • Reducing the risk of accidental right hand turns onto SH2 ramps, or straight through movements from Marsden Street onto the southbound SH2 off ramp, an improvement over the previous design.

Benefits for pedestrians and cyclists

  • Wider shared path on the southern side of the new bridge over SH2 (4.5m wide)
  • Wider shared path on the southern side of the new Melling Link bridge of Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River (4m wide).
  • The revised design reduces the number and length of pedestrian crossings at the interchange when travelling between Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai / Lower Hutt and the Western Hills, improving safety, and helping traffic move along more efficiently.
  • Cyclists travelling from the Western Hills to Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai / Lower Hutt can also cycle on a 1.5m shoulder on the northern side of the new bridges over SH2 and Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River, allowing faster Hutt City bound cyclists to stay on the road.
  • SH2 cyclists can connect to a new dedicated off road cycle path and then join Te Ara Tupua cycleway.

Benefits for public transport users

The public will have better access to public transport via:

  • New relocated Melling train station,
  • New park and ride facility,
  • Improved bus, walking and cycling connections to the state highway, CBD and the Western Hills, and links to other paths such as Te Ara Tupua.

All of these improvements present a significant opportunity for increased patronage on the Melling train line, and safer, more efficient routes for all users in and around Melling.

Why have we revised the design?

As part of the Interim Project Alliance Agreement (IPAA) phase, the Alliance has been challenged to review the existing design, improving it where feasible, with regards to performance, constructability, safety, sustainability, and affordability. Revising the design is not unusual for this stage of such a large and complex project.

A review of the reference design was undertaken due to feasibility and safety concerns. This developed concept design is more efficient for all users, has greater safety and sustainability benefits, is more affordable, and is easier to construct. Providing a safe and reliable transport solution for all users is one of the primary reasons for upgrading this piece of critical infrastructure.


What’s next?

It is expected that the Interim Project Alliance Agreement (IPAA) phase will continue until December this year. The Project Alliance Agreement (PAA) will then be signed, with construction scheduled to begin in early 2025.

Who is Te Awa Kairangi Alliance?

Te Awa Kairangi Alliance is a partnership between NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi, Hutt City Council, Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o te Ika and Ngāti Toa Rangatira, with delivery partners AECOM New Zealand and Fletcher Construction.

The Melling Transport Improvements project is a major Crown investment project and Road of Regional Significance (RoRS), learn more at www.nzta.govt.nz/projects/melling-transport-improvements

Te Awa Kairangi Alliance is working together to deliver the new interchange at Melling and other transport improvements.


For queries relating to the revised concept interchange design, please reach out to Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi Alliance via email: info@teawakairangi.co.nz


An artist’s impression is shown below.